Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Braces - the new hip look for 2006

Just to keep things interesting, I got braces put on last Wednesday.  I now have returned to the "look" that I had as a 14 year old.  Ironically, I got my braces off the first time just a few weeks before I met Timothy - 20 years ago as of Feb 7th.
The braces aren't that bad.  They definitely have slowed my eating which is good for my waistline.  Eating is more of a bother...
I'm hopeful that I'll get these beauties off by my 37th birthday 17 months from now.  The orthodontist said 15 to 18 months... 
I hit golf balls with Timothy and Boo a couple of nights ago (first swings of the new year) and the braces weren't a factor...  so we're good to go!