Sunday, December 26, 2004

Christmas - Come and Gone

Well, we've done it again. We saw lots of family and opened lots of presents. We went to a lovely Christmas Eve church service. We have a couple of gatherings remaining. But the major Christmas experience is over once again.

The munchkins got what they've been wanting. The Peanut got the new American Girl doll that she's "hinted at" for months. The Boo got the Darth Vader Voice Changing Mask that eluded him during his birthday celebrations. The volume of plastic in the house increased -> much by my own doing.

Tim's mom came over on Thursday to give the kids gifts. The Fries also stopped by on their way to the home of Jay's parents. The main purpose of their visit was to inspect the new Cabin furniture!

I read a novella by Franscine Rivers called Unafraid on Christmas Eve. It is the last of a series about the 5 women mentioned in Christ's lineage in Matthew. Unafraid was a wonderful "fictional" portrayal of Mary's life. I tend to gloss over the terrible scandal that the Virgin Birth brought about upon a devout Jewish young lady and her family. And I've never really thought about how Mary struggled knowing that Jesus was SO perfect and different than the rest of her children. And she struggled knowing that Jesus came to save Israel - and she lost patience awaiting God's timing in revealing to the world what she already knew and believed to be true in Jesus. Many thought Mary was crazy and didn't believe her "virgin birth story". What grace! What strength! What faith! Mary was definitely blessed!!

The other women in Jesus's lineage are very interesting as well. Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary. None were perfect. And 2 weren't even Hebrews by birth. Yet they are listed in Jesus's ancestry -> grafted in by grace and faith. Just as I am! Praise God!

God is with Us! Emmanuel is Here! Glory to God in the highest and peace to men on whom His favor rests!

Monday, December 20, 2004

Christmas Prep

It is less than a week before Christmas and I'm feeling pretty ready....

I just have a few gifts to pick up. Most of the presents are wrapped and under the tree. The tree is decorated and placed in our new "Cabin" room. Our Christmas cards are all sent. This year I actually took care of the cards - since I don't have finals to worry about now! How wonderful it is to be done with grad school!! I'm really glad that I did it - and I learned a ton. But I'm so much more relaxed now without having classes 2 nights a week - and homework and projects, etc.

Even more important than all of the external holiday prep is my heart prep. And I'm really amazed and thankful that Jesus chose to become a humble helpless baby for me. It's a challenge to keep Jesus as the center of the Christmas season. Boo asked me yesterday why Santa brings big things to the neighbor kids but only brings stocking stuff to us. I told him that his Daddy and I have a deal with Santa that we get to give him the "big stuff". Boo was a little confused by that. But we made a conscious decision when the kids were little that Santa wasn't going to be the focus. And part of that is selfishness on my part, as I don't want "Santa" to get the glory of bringing my kids what they've wanted for so long. And also I just don't want Santa to overshadow the Christ child. Peanut already knows the Santa secret. Boo will probably figure it out eventually. But I'm not in a hurry to rush it. Childhood is too short anyway.

Our new couch and recliner have arrived. They are just wonderful. Tim is making good progress on the wood trim. The fireplace is just lovely. I took a nap yesterday in the recliner under my afghan... I feel such peace and blessing being in the "Cabin" room.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Friends with Cancer

For some reason right now I have a number of people in my life that are suffering with cancer.

My co-worker Kathy has been fighting cancer of the appendix for over 2 years. Her appendix ruptured during the original removal surgery, leaving cancer cells throughout her abdomen. She has twice spent more than 6 weeks getting treatment from a specialist in Washington DC. And she recently needed more surgery to clear a blockage. The battle doesn't ever seem to be over. But Kathy is a strong determined woman. I pray for her daily.

The son of one of my friends at church was diagnosed with leukemia in May. He is only 6 years old. He's had many rounds of intense chemo already and he's constantly on maintenance chemo. His chemo schedule is as follows: Daily oral chemo, once a week an additional oral chemo (on Tuesdays he gets 2 oral chemos), IV chemo once a month, five days each month he gets steroids, and every 84 days he gets spinal chemo. This is an 84 day cycle that will just keep repeating until July 19, 2007. My friend also has 2 girls that are older and a wonderful God-fearing husband. It's a scary road. She told me on Sunday that if her son gets chicken pox it would be fatal - due to his weakened immune system.

I can't imagine having such daily life struggles.

Here's something that I posted on my friend's web site a couple of weeks ago:

"Dear Friends, Thanks for continuing to share your family's experience. I appreciate your frank hearts and your willingness to share the good things and the bad things that happen on this journey with your son's health. All Glory and Honor and Praise to our Lord Jesus as He helps you all get through each day. God is definitely using this "present struggle" to grow all of us."

I know that God gives strength to handle whatever comes. But I pray that His plans don't include me getting super strength in handling disease in our family.

Friday, December 03, 2004

Brooklyn Tabernacle Day Trip

On November 16th I got up a lot earlier than usual. I was at the airport by 5:30AM... to catch a chartered plane with 170 people from Grace Church to JFK. We left MSP at about 7:30AM.

The point of the day trip to NYC was to visit the Tuesday evening prayer meeting at the Brooklyn Tabernacle in downtown Brooklyn. Each week, hundreds of people come together to pray and worship. The doors open at 5PM - and the service starts at 7PM. The service is fluid - the pastors are very open to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Their guideline is that as long as the service is edifying for the church then it is a go. Their Sunday services go about 2.5 hours.

We arrived at the church in time for lunch. Jim Cymbala, their head pastor, spoke to our group for over an hour detailing some of the history and purpose of the Brooklyn Tabernacle church. The church is known for its choir - which is full of former drug addicts, and former street people who have let Jesus transform their lives. The church is located in downtown Brooklyn. On an average day, over 100,000 people pass by the church. I was surprised by the beauty of the church building. About 3 years ago the church purchased an old theatre and have spent millions of dollars renovating the building - restoring it to its former beauty. The building has wonderful old marble and wood decor. It reminded me of Northrup Mall on the U of M campus.

The church service finally started at 7pm - and the church was packed with people from all walks of life. Street people along side business executives kneeling at the throne of Grace.

It was an amazing experience. But it was also a culture shock. I don't yell my prayers. It's just a style thing that my scandawhovian blood can't deal with. And I don't think that God hears loud prayers any better than those whispered in the quietness of your heart. But I was challenged by their deep belief in God and their trust that God is working through their prayers.

I must balance: "You don't have because you don't ask" with "God wills and works to His good pleasure". Father, help my unbelieve.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Election Day 2004

November 2 2004 was an awesome day. I was pretty discouraged at about 1 pm as the market started going down because of the exit polls were saying that John Kerry was ahead in the presidential race - especially medical stocks went down. I voted just after the lunch rush.

Following work, I went with about 6 co-workers to the Simpson House to serve a meal to their homeless guests. Simpson House is a shelter that houses about 45 men each evening in south Minneapolis. It's actually the basement/kitchen of an old Methodist Church. The guests are welcomed in at 6pm each evening and must be out the door by 7am the next morning. They are served 2 meals during their stay (dinner and breakfast). The men are allowed into the supply closet once a week to retrieve a new pair of underwear, soap, razors, socks, etc. The shelter has computers and telephones available for the men. And they can receive their mail there, etc. Most of the occupants have all of their earthly belongings in a backpack/bag that they keep next to their bed mattress - which is right on the floor. Some have chemical abuse issues, some are mentally challenged in some way. Some have just had "bad luck". About 40% of the men have jobs but just can't get off of the street at $8/hour or less. Anyway, the chicken/pasta meal that we made was pretty good - I have to say. And the guests were very thankful. Many had voted during the day. I love America and the dignity that democracy gives to all citizens. They just had to have someone validate their residency at Simpson and they could vote. What an awesome country!

I got home around 9pm - just as Tim and Peanut & Boo got home from piano lessons. Tim and I settled into watching the election returns. By then, George W's chances were looking a lot better than the exit polls had predicted earlier in the day.

New York and California were foregone conclusions - Kerry's "blue" states. Texas and much of the south were strongly for Bush - "red" states. The first breakthrough was about midnight when Florida was called for George W. I was following the election returns on the television - and I was also flipping between web pages on my laptop. Just when Florida was called I was desparate enough to start a spreadsheet to show the remaining states and their electoral college votes. At about 1:30, Fox News called Ohio for George W. None of the other stations were willing to take that step. But I rejoiced that the election had obviously ended very differently than had been predicted by the exit polls earlier in the day. My heart was just full of amazement over how God was at work. I went to sleep praising God for being faithful to America - even when we are so unfaithful to Him.

Thankfully, John Kerry was very gracious and he conceded the next day at about lunch time. Let's keep going, President Bush. I praise you for your strength of conviction. We'll follow you as you lead our great nation. God bless America!

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Oct 27, 2004 (NYC Trip)

How can it already be Wednesday? Didn't this week just start? Time continues to fly by.

Last night we had a great time at the Fries home - for Peanut's piano lesson and dinner. I am so thankful for good friends.

Election Day is only 6 days away. I looked up our ballot online today and was once again amazed by the number of judges, etc. that I get to vote for. America is a wonderful country. What a privilege to know that my vote will be counted.

Is it possible that it's been 2 weeks already since Tim and I left for 4 glorious days in NYC? We sure had a great trip. The seminar was good. And we saw a lot of great attractions in Manhattan including the Empire State Building, the Guggenheim, Central Park, Ground Zero, the Staten Island Ferry, the show Stomp in the East Village, lots of subway adventures, Times Square, NBC Studios, and St. Patrick's Cathedral. The city definitely doesn't sleep. What a fun place to visit. I don't
think that I could live there - except maybe in a condo in the Upper East Side overlooking Central Park (a 700 sq ft "studio" for goes for about $500K).

Jesus is very good. My next post will have to be a journal of some of the things that God has been teaching me.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

George W News

George W. Bush

I am very proud of my president, George W. Bush. I appreciate his sincere heart. Not that I know him personally. But I know enough about him to trust his honor, determination, and strength of character to lead this country during this trying time in America's history.

I was struck last night by a commentator who said that liberal Americans respond to George W. Bush with the same negative vigor as conservative Americans responded to Bill Clinton. The difference is that liberals are upset about the issues that George W. Bush stands for: the war in Iraq, marriage being defined as only being one woman and one man, limited stem-cell research, and life beginning at conception. Whereas the conservatives were upset about the personal character failures of Bill Clinton: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman.", impeachment, Paula Jones, Whitewater, White House favors for fund raising.

Of course conservatives were upset with the issues too: "don't ask, don't tell", reproductive rights, appointments like Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders, and many others. But Clinton's presidential legacy is full of scandal and abuse of power.

George W. Bush's presidency to this point is full of tragedy and loss. Sept 11th, world economic downturn, job loss, Afghanistan, WMD, Saddam Hussein's capture, and the war in Iraq. But through it all, George W has been strong and determined to do the "right" thing for America. He hasn't wavered in his commitment to lead and protect America. That's why I'm so proud of President George W. Bush.

That's why I will vote for him again in November.

Election Day is Approaching Posted by Hello

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Wedded Bliss

This past weekend Timothy and I celebrated the 13th anniversary of our union as husband and wife.

Our life together has been and continues to be blessed by God. I am so happy to report that Timothy still completes me. God definitely made us to be together and herein lies such joy.

Mom was very gracious and cared for Peanut and Boo for 2 nights. Timothy and I ate dinner on Friday night in downtown Minneapolis sitting at an outside table. We then rode the new light rail for an hour. It was a very wonderful evening.

On Saturday, we played 36 holes of golf. Our first tee time was at 7:50 at Troy Burne in Hudson. What a gorgeous course! We rode a cart and finished in 3.5 hours. I was amazed to be comfortable on Sep 11 in shorts and a golf shirt. It was warm and sunny out.

We ate lunch at a Chipotle in Woodbury and then drove down near Northfield for our 2nd round of the day at Willinger's (it was about an hour drive). Our tee time was 2:15. The round was very delightful. The company was especially good. Timothy really hit some good shots - especially considering that he played his 2nd and 3rd round of 18 that day for the year. I've played a lot of golf this summer - but Timothy has been managing all of the construction going on at home and hasn't played much at all.

I'm so thankful that Timothy loves to golf. It is so wonderful to have something that you both enjoy that we can do together. Golfing is definitely our best "date" activity.

Sunday brought us back to "normal" life as we got the kids back and going in the new year of Sunday school and choir. I love having the kids of course. But it is also good to remember that I enjoy being Timothy's wife and I still need to work at being married. And the kids benefit from our happy marriage too!

Friday, September 10, 2004

The Wireless Adventure

I bought my first laptop from a friend of my friend, Kristy. For only $200 I got a "new to me" dell laptop. But it came with no O/S or anything. Just the machine and the power cord.

I brought it home on Tuesday evening (3 days ago) and promptly went to BestBuy to buy an O/S and wireless stuff.

Many hours and about $400 more, I now have a laptop with XP loaded that connects to the Internet wirelessly through the router connected to my cable modem (I crashed the desktop 3 times trying to get the router configured - and still be able to use AOL, etc. I was up until 3:30AM 2 nights ago and 1AM last night waiting for software to install, etc. O.K. so I've been a little maniac about it.) And I bought a cool wireless mouse... I just have the stupid power cord to deal with! Let the good times roll.

Let's Roll

I read "Let's Roll" over the weekend by Lisa Beamer. This was very timely given the 3rd year anniversary of 9/11 tomorrow.

I was struck by 3 things while reading the book about Todd Beamer and the heroic acts of the passengers on United Flight 93:

1. Todd and Lisa Beamer are just like us. Before 9/11, had we lived close to them, we probably would have been friends. We have a lot in common: age, life stage, deep faith adventures with Jesus.

2. My earthly life is very short and it could end at anytime. As Pastor Henderson said during last week's sermon, we live in a small dot on the line of Eternity. "While we live in the dot, we must learn to live FOR the line."

3. Some people in this world hate me. The enemy of my soul has many people in this world convinced that I am an evil infidel and should be destroyed. I can't imagine living life motivated by hatred. But then Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy" and Peter said, "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." I'm not afraid. It's just reality and a wake up call to Christians that no matter what there's a war being fought and Praise Jesus, He's already won!

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

First Day of School Picture

First Day of School PicturePosted by Hello

First Day of School

Peanut and Boo started school on Monday morning. Hopkins was the first district in the state to start school. The kids will go to school through Thursday. Then they'll have 4 days off for Labor Day weekend. Then they return for another 4 day week on Tuesday.

While the kids are at school, Timothy has been making a lot of progress on staining and sealing the windows. He is getting closer and closer to starting to paint the "cabin" room. The contractors are done. The last city inspection has been passed. Only the windows, painting, and trim work remains. We are so close to having a complete new room. We still don't know what furniture will be in there. Nor do we really have the $$ for new furniture right now. But it is very exciting to see the end in sight. I REALLY APPRECIATE ALL OF THE WORK THAT TIMOTHY HAS DONE IMPROVING OUR HOME THIS SUMMER. I don't know how we could have done all of this without him being home overseeing it all.

Accidental Marathon Runner

This could only happen to Renee. She and Mike signed up for a 5K run on Sunday Aug 29th. Her goal was to complete the race in under 27 minutes.

Renee is in great shape right now thanks to 6 weeks of Basic Training class at LifeTime. And the 27 minute goal was reasonable.

Renee and Mike lined up and started the race... After a couple of miles, Renee realized that something was wrong... where was the finish line?? She finally asked a fellow runner - realizing that he had a red letter pinned to him and Renee's letter was black - and she was told that they were running a half-marathon. At that point she was on a trail somewhere in Woodbury - so she just kept running.... and running.... and running....

She finished in 2:02:58

Renee Gebauer: 25 of 40 women in 35-39 - 86 of 162 women: 2:02:58

An accidental marathoner. There's no way I would have kept running.

P.S. Mike was pretty frustrated as he realized that they were running a half-marathon and thinking that Renee had peeled off somewhere he decided to stop running around the 10 mile mark and go find Renee. He was proud when he saw Renee finish. And he wished that he had finished too.

Edinburgh Club Championship

Well, my last golf event of the summer went mediocre at best. Thanks to the lunar cycle I was pretty much out of whack on Sat Aug 28. I shot an 88 in the first round of the EWGA Club Championship. This performance put me in 3rd place going into the final round on Sun Aug 29. I played a little better during the second round shooting an 82 for a 170 total. This was enough to win by 1 shot. I limped in... But it was a win none the less.

I'm still working out at Northwest most mornings - and I'm excited about my physical progress. I'm definitely losing some body fat and getting stronger. I have a ways to go though. I want to be in good shape to compete with the 18 year olds next summer in the state tourneys. And I'm feeling and looking better.

Laura, Ruth and Me at Glensheen Mansion - with Lake Superior in the distance Posted by Hello

Laura's Visit

My dear friend, Laura, came to visit on Friday afternoon, Aug 20th from Santa Barbara.

We had a wonderful visit. We had lots of time to chat. We had coffee with Renee on Saturday morning. We had the Fries family over for a bar-b-que on Saturday evening.

On Sunday, Laura went with my family to Grace Church. Laura and Ruth and I went to Duluth for Sunday evening. We ate dinner at Fitger's - a place I'd seen for ~15 years... I don't need to go back there again. We spent the night at Superior Shores in Two Harbors. The swimming pool and hot tub was very relaxing.

We slept in on Monday morning until 9:45AM. That was the latest Ruth had slept in about 7 years - since before Ryan's birth. We had brunch at the resort and then ventured to Duluth for a tour of the Glensheen mansion.

Timothy was very understanding about this visit. Especially since Monday was our 13th wedding anniversary. Thankfully we have an anniversary weekend scheduled for Sept 11 - 12 for golf and fun.

I so enjoyed Laura's visit. I appreciate our friendship.... it's very edifying to have a friend that knows so much about you and that God uses to shine His Light into your life. Sometimes the Light brightens areas that really need brightening and healing. God is very good.

The verse for the weekend was Ex 14:14 "The Lord will fight for you. You need only to be still."

On Tuesday morning, I had to return Laura to the airport.

Sunday, August 08, 2004

State Am

It's been a couple of crazy weeks - leaving little time to pursue jottings and such.

I played in the State Am this past week at Hillcrest. I shot 84-82-81--247. I finished in 36th place. Two-thirds of the women who beat me are college-aged or younger. I felt a little old. I hadn't played in the State Am since 1990 - when I was 20 years old. Lack of vacation time and lack of time to play due to kids and life created the gap in my tournament playing. And I don't regret any of that at all. But it was extremely fun to play again. Tim caddied for me the first 2 days and then I had a young Evans scholar as my toter the third round. The greens were fast and "tricky". I wish I had scored a little better. But I'm encouraged about having more competitive golf in my future. Like Eric Liddell's quote in Chariots of Fire, I feel God's pleasure when I golf.

My "fitness" regiment has been going pretty well. I feel better. I have more energy and my clothes fit better. I think that I've lost about 10 pounds or so. I didn't weigh myself back in May when I graduated with my MBA. But I'm guessing I was at my highest lifetime non-pregnant weight.

I can hardly believe that it's already August. Two weeks until Laura gets here for her visit. I can't wait.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

"I don't think there's a hell"

One of my co-workers said - out of the blue - to me on Monday, "I was thinking over the weekend, I don't think that a loving God would send people to hell.  I've grown up thinking that there is a hell.  But now I don't think that God is like that."

I just said that God created us for choice and wants us to choose Him.  I explained that Hell is the eternal destination for people who knowingly didn't choose to trust in Jesus.  I don't think that God sends babies who haven't been baptized in a certain church to hell.  I believe that God knows all hearts and acknowledges (and allows) the free choices that His creatures make.  He doesn't want robots that love Him - He wants people to freely choose Him, trust Him, and follow Him.

I'm so glad that God is gracious and just.  What a combination of love and holiness is found in Jesus!  I serve a God that is so worthy of praise and thanksgiving!

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Beloved Disciple

I met with Renee last night at the Mall of America for our first study from "Beloved Disciple" by Beth Moore.  It was a fantastic time of sharing about Jesus, John the Baptist, and Christ's unique call of John & James from their dad's fishing business.  What a privilege it is to meet and talk about God's Word!! 
On the home front, the triangle windows were installed yesterday in the new room.  Today, the siding is being worked on and the air conditioner is hooked back up.  The contractors are less than 2 weeks away from being done.  Then, Tim and I get to do all of the fun stuff like painting the whole house, installing the floor, and staining the woodwork. 
Only 2 weeks until the State Amateur at Hillcrest.  I have a lesson with Karen Weiss in 2 days in prep for playing with the "young" women.

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Tooth and Blood

Yesterday, Tim and I were outside doing yard work when we heard Boo and Peanut "battling". Soon it was obvious that the battle had escalated to injury and I could hear both of them crying. Peanut was yelling, "I'm sorry - I'm sorry." Yikes - I ran into the house to find out what had happened!

I found Boo holding his mouth with blood coming out between his fingers. I got him to remove his hand and I could then see that only his lip/mouth was bleeding. Then I noticed that the front tooth that had been "hanging there" for TOO long was gone. I told him that Peanut had done him quite the favor.

Peanut was obviously very upset. She was getting up from the floor when she accidentally kicked Boo in the face. It scared her so.

I found the tooth on the rug and it was placed safely under Boo's pillow to await the Tooth Fairy.

(On a side note, Tim and I took Boo to see Spiderman 2 last night. Peanut slept over at a friends. The movie was quite good. And they definitely left it open for Spiderman 3.)

State Match Play

Wow - what a fun week I've had on vacation at home.

On Tuesday I played the seeding round for the State Match Play at Hazeltine. Conditions were very tough - the course played long due to recent rains and the wind was really blowing. I played o.k. except on 4 holes where I had 2 doubles and 2 triples! I ended the day with a four putt... and limbed in with an 87. The field had much the same trouble... so I ended up in a playoff for the 32nd spot of the championship bracket. It took 5 holes - but I finally won. During the playoff I wondered if it would be better to lose. If I lost, I would be the #1 seed in the First Flight and would tee off the next day at 10AM. If I won, I would be the 32nd seed playing against the defending champion at 7:30AM. My competitive spirit won over and I finally made a putt to end the affair.

I left the golf course at 8:30PM - quickly got home and went to bed.

On Wednesday, I took Peaunut with me as my caddy. It was early waking her up at 5:45AM. But she jumped out of bed. She was excited.

The defending champion just completed her freshman year at Nebraska. She is almost half my age. We tied each of the first 7 holes. Then I 3-putted the 8th - but then won 9, 10 and 11 to be 2 up. By 16, we were square again and it wasn't looking so good. But I just tried to stay calm as I had nothing to lose. I was the 32nd seed playing the 1st seed. I kept telling myself to be patient. We both made pars on 17. And on 18, I hit a good drive down the fairway and she hit into the rough. I hit a good heaven wood up to the pin and that was the match. I was thrilled - especially to have Peanut there pushing my bag on a cart. (She was approached by many many ladies asking her how old she is, etc. - I was so proud of her. It was very fun showing her off to many ladies that have watched me grow up.)

I didn't get to enjoy my victory for long as the next match was scheduled 1 hour after we walked off 18. Peanut and I grabbed a quick lunch at Culvers and we were back at it. This time my opponent was a young lady who will be a freshman at Oklahoma in the fall. She was a very long hitter. She out drove me on every hole by over 50 yards. I tried to challenge her... and I did make a couple of putts to get to only 2 down at the turn. But frankly, I was hot and tired... And by 12, I was 4 down and the writing was on the wall. So we left in defeat. 6 and 4.

It was a super experience though. I'm very excited that the State Am is in a couple of weeks. I really think that my best golf is yet to come. To God's Great Glory.

Monday, July 12, 2004

Max Born 7/10/2004 6 lbs 2 oz Posted by Hello

Josh and Little Max Posted by Hello


My family officially expanded on Saturday morning when Josh and Jessica welcomed little Max to the outside world. He was 6 lbs 2 oz - very good size considering that he is > 3 weeks early. I'll post a picture of my new "psuedo" nephew.

Tomorrow I play golf in the State Match Play tournament. My t-time is 12:10. I hope that I play well. I would like to qualify for the championship bracket. That means that I have to finish in the top 32. There are many good golfers competing this week. But hopefully my putter will be hot and I'll keep the "big numbers" to a minimum.

I am extremely excited to report that my friend, Laura, is coming to visit on Aug 20th. I haven't seen her in 1.5 years. It will be a fun "girls" weekend.

Thursday, July 08, 2004


Today is day 2 back at work following the July 4th weekend. We had a great time in Hayward with the "Family". It was especially nice to play 9 holes with Sunny, Shaye, and Timothy. Peanut and Boo were very good... And Peanut had a nice birthday celebration. I can hardly believe that she is 10 years old.

Boo's new word lately is "unexpected". If I kiss his neck on the sly, he's likely to say, "Mom, that was unexpected." I'm sad that today is his last day of summer school. He has really progressed during the past 4 weeks. It has really helped to have 3 hours a day of 3:1 student/teacher ratio. I wish that he would work with Tim and me at home. But it's obvious that he's coming along. He's reading signs while riding in the car and while shopping. I just have to remember that the Boo has his own pace - period.

Last night Peanut and I saw Annie at the Chanhassen Dinner Theater. It was good - but too long... 2.5 hours for the musical - after sitting at the table for 2 hours for dinner. It was especially fun because the company. Nana, Aunt Kristi, Sunny, Piper, Peanut and me had a table all to ourselves.

The new room project continues to progress. Insulation was installed yesterday. Soon it will be time to paint and stain. It will be so nice when it's done.

I feel so very blessed.

Wednesday, June 30, 2004


Today's the last day of June. Wow. This month has gone by very quickly.

Jay, Tim, Gaylord, and Scott finished putting on our new roof last night. It looks super. There is an electrician working today on installing outlets and lights in the new room. It is really coming together. It will be SO nice when it's complete.

Thankfully, it hasn't been too warm - so I haven't missed our A/C very much.

So far I'm meeting my stated goals for the "summer of the addition" listed in no particular order:

1. Stay married
2. Get addition done
3. Afford addition
4. Play golf

We are extremely blessed.

"Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits-" Psalm 103:2

Saturday, June 26, 2004


It's a gorgeous Friday. I'm at work - although I wish that I wasn't.

We - along with much help from many friends - are re-roofing our "old" house over the weekend. And putting the first roof on the new addition. It's very exciting. I feel extremely blessed.

The Boo finished his 2nd week of summer school yesterday. He seems to be thriving with so much one-on-one attention. I am so thankful that he's really learning to read. He also counted to 100 by tens and by fives for me last night.

The Peanut spent much of the day yesterday dancing in her room. She's only 2 weeks from turing 10. Yikes. She is SO pre-teen.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Our House - Now Blue Posted by Hello

Our House - Before Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 23, 2004


Back at work today. It was really nice to be home for 4 days.

Mom and I played "o.k." yesterday in the last round of the State Four Ball tournament. About the same as on Monday. It was a beautiful day out. And Tim and the kids came out to the course to watch Mom and I play. I want them to be exposed to the game of golf - if nothing else.

I almost had a hole in one yesterday. On the 8th hole, I hit my heaven wood to 10 inches from the cup. I actually hit it as I wanted and it turned out as I imagined (WOW!). I need to remember shots like that - as they are few and far between.

The house project continues to move right along. The siding is complete on the east, south and western sides of our home. The new room has ceiling beams... We are awaiting the power company to bury the lines - hopefully they will be motivated to show up in the next couple of days. Now, the wires are propped up through the roof of the new room. And yesterday, the HVAC guy cut our phone line... So we are on cells until the new lines can be installed and buried.

The adventure continues. I'm so thankful that so much progress has been made. At the current pace, we should be done early (cross the fingers).

Monday, June 21, 2004

The Golfing Duo Posted by Hello

The Boo Posted by Hello

Group at my MBA Graduation Posted by Hello

Mom, Scott and Me at Zane's Birthday party Posted by Hello

The Dancing Duo Posted by Hello

Graduation Day Posted by Hello


Today I played golf with Mom in the State Four Ball tourney. We shot a 76. I shot a 82 and she shot a 81 - thanks to her new driver.

I came home ~1PM to see much progress being made on the new addition and siding. The eastern side of the house is all done and I like the siding on the house even better than the samples. And the new windows are amazing.

Yesterday, Peanut and I wrote Bible verses on the plywood floor of the addition. We wrote "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." "To live is Christ and to die is gain." "For God so loved the world..." and my favorite verse, "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, angels nor demons, ... can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." No one will probably see the writing... But it was cool to "bless" the new version of our home. It is undergoing quite the transformation.