Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Wedded Bliss

This past weekend Timothy and I celebrated the 13th anniversary of our union as husband and wife.

Our life together has been and continues to be blessed by God. I am so happy to report that Timothy still completes me. God definitely made us to be together and herein lies such joy.

Mom was very gracious and cared for Peanut and Boo for 2 nights. Timothy and I ate dinner on Friday night in downtown Minneapolis sitting at an outside table. We then rode the new light rail for an hour. It was a very wonderful evening.

On Saturday, we played 36 holes of golf. Our first tee time was at 7:50 at Troy Burne in Hudson. What a gorgeous course! We rode a cart and finished in 3.5 hours. I was amazed to be comfortable on Sep 11 in shorts and a golf shirt. It was warm and sunny out.

We ate lunch at a Chipotle in Woodbury and then drove down near Northfield for our 2nd round of the day at Willinger's (it was about an hour drive). Our tee time was 2:15. The round was very delightful. The company was especially good. Timothy really hit some good shots - especially considering that he played his 2nd and 3rd round of 18 that day for the year. I've played a lot of golf this summer - but Timothy has been managing all of the construction going on at home and hasn't played much at all.

I'm so thankful that Timothy loves to golf. It is so wonderful to have something that you both enjoy that we can do together. Golfing is definitely our best "date" activity.

Sunday brought us back to "normal" life as we got the kids back and going in the new year of Sunday school and choir. I love having the kids of course. But it is also good to remember that I enjoy being Timothy's wife and I still need to work at being married. And the kids benefit from our happy marriage too!

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