Wednesday, September 14, 2005

What a Pain!

Last night Mom and I attended the fall banquet for our golf league. We
arrived at the golf course at 6:30PM. We had a nice dinner and award

After we were done, I went out to the parking lot to retrieve the car at
8PM only to find that the front passenger window of my car was smashed
and my mom's purse (which we stupidly left on the floor in front of the
passenger seat with all of the doors locked) was gone. I should have
put the purse in my trunk. When we got there, Mom pulled out $20 and
left the rest so that she didn't have to carry it - and keep track of

And we weren't the only victims in the parking lot, a second car had the
back driver side window smashed and a briefcase stolen. We awaited the
police and filed a report.

Then, Mom and I spent a couple of hours last night - and she's spending
time today - canceling her bank card (which had already been suspended
by her bank as they noticed suspicious activity on the card before we
even called last night) - her Visa (from which the robbers had attempted
to retrieve cash - but didn't know the pin number), replacing her
drivers license, her keys, the locks for her home, etc.

My car window will be replaced tomorrow - we have full glass coverage so
it won't cost us....

What a pain in the rear end!

A couple of takeaways:

1. Don't leave items in your car - period. (I need to heed this....)

2. Keep a list of the contents of your purse/wallet - with account
contact information for canceling and/or reporting theft.

3. Don't carry items with you that you don't need regularly (don't
carry the HOM credit card that you opened for the discount and then
didn't use again).

4. Close accounts that you haven't used within 2 years just to limit
the number of cancellations you have to make (cleans up your credit
report in the process).

And I'm reminded of these quotes from Jesus:

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that
they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)

"But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do
not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal." (Matt 6:20)

1 comment:

K Larsen said...

Mom's purse was found - sans wallet in a dumpster not too far from the golf course. She still had to get a new driver's license and a new bank account, etc. But she is getting her keys and pictures back. That is something. And yes - I remember when Kris had her purse stolen....