Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Courtney is Home!

Courtney is the daughter of my dear friend, Rebecca. Courtney is just 5 years old. Courtney has been teaching me a lot lately. Let me explain.

Courtney was diagnosed with leukemia on Feb 26, 2007. Since her diagnosis, Courtney has had many rounds of chemotherapy. And her little body has been fighting the cancer and winning.

Courtney even got to go to the first day of kindergarten in September. Here are some pictures of her first day.

The day after her first day of school Courtney had another treatment of chemotherapy. But this time, she developed a very serious complication. The main vein to her liver became blocked which then caused lots and lots of other complications. Courtney ended up in the Intensive Care Unit in Children's Hospital for 2 weeks. She was sedated and intebated. It was really scary.

Rebecca was amazingly strong during this time and I did as much as I could to help: buying food - not cooking it - for Rebecca and her husband, Matt; taking care of Larissa, Courtney's little sister; & visiting at the hospital. But the best thing that I did was to pray and ask others to join me in asking God to heal Courtney. Literally hundreds of people prayed for Courtney and her family.

God answered our prayers. Courtney's liver situation was resolved through new medication, and lots and lots of special care by the doctors and nurses in Children's Hospital. Thankfully, Courtney's body has done very well to improve following her 2 week long nap.

Courtney has a ways to go in gaining back her strength and her appetite. But I'm so excited that she's made it through that really tough trial.

I wish that I could say that her battle is over. But Courtney resumed her chemotherapy treatments 2 days ago. She's in maintenance mode and will be for another 2 years.

I also wish I could understand why God has allowed this little girl to get so sick. Her cancer is no one's fault and it isn't fair at all.

But I know that God is always good. Please join me in praying for God to continue to strengthen Courtney and Rebecca and Matt and Larissa. To Jesus be all Glory.

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