Wednesday, March 30, 2005

24 - the soap opera for action fans

Tim and I started watching 24 in January this year. We were told about it over the Christmas holiday. And we got hooked.

We've purchased the first 3 years on DVD and watched them through.... Can you say many, many nights of staying up way too late watching Jack Bauer get the bad guy and evade death once again? (And you were wondering what I was going to do with all of my free time once I finished grad school...)

And we are faithfully recording and watching the current season.

The series, 24, is an action thriller soap opera.... you never know who is good and who is bad. All I've been able to trust is that Jack Bauer - the star of the show - is always good and always lives. Everything else is up for grabs - enough said (I don't want to ruin it for those of you who haven't seen the show by talking about the many story twists and turns).

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