Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Orvik Update

It's been an adventure getting Orvik back into driving shape. Here's a little piece of the fun we had with the warranty company this past week and a half.

Friday - Warranty company: "we'll have someone take a look at the car in a couple of days".

Wednesday - Warranty company: Rep comes and sees the car. He verifies that the "cracked head" problem wasn't caused by neglect.

Wednesday afternoon - Warranty company: "we're not covering the 'cracked head'"

Wednesday later - Timothy calls the warranty company and asks why they're not covering the problem. The rep says, "I don't know. I'll let you know."

Thursday morning - Saturn service rep calls Tim and asks if we've called a lawyer. The warranty company has changed its mind and is now agreeing to cover the repairs according to our contract. We didn't call a lawyer... God obviously fought for us.

Thursday afternoon - Warranty company: - "o.k. we'll cover everything except the tubes that need to be replaced... These tubes and other non-covered items leave us with a $350 bill.

Friday afternoon - repair is done and Tim brings Orvik to my office parking ramp.

Friday evening - I start the car and notice that the "check engine" light is on. I figure that it has something to do with the repair - but it seems to be running fine so I leave to have dinner with Renee.

Monday morning - I call the dealer and tell them about the light. I arrange to have it looked at on Tuesday morning.

Tuesday morning - The tech at the dealer confirms that the "check engine" light is on because crud was blown out of the engine that was there because of the cracked head. The oxygen sensor is coated and needs to be replaced. Of course the warranty company won't cover this little item either. The tech did wave the diagnostic fee - but I still got a bill for $135 to replace the oxygen sensor.

All told - $500. Orvik better behave for a while.

Have I mentioned how much I hate cars? They are just necessary, moneypits!

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